HodgeNet Home Page
Presentations, Workshops and Publications
Basic Millennium Training
Discovery Tool Evaluation
DSpace at AUS
Dynamic eLibrary Website
Electronic Resources Seminars
Enhanced Workflows and Services with OCLC WMS
ERM Overview
ERM Phase II
ERM Workshop
Evaluating Encore as a Discovery Product
From There to Here: WMS at AUS
Google Searching
Implementing Collection Maps in WMS
Implementing WMS at AUS
Implementing WMS at AUS 2018
Implementing WMS in AMICAL
iPads for Library Work
Library Technology and the Library Technologist
Managing for Discovery
Metasearch and Discovery
Millennium Create Lists
Millennium Searching
OCLC WMS: Changes, Risks, Opportunities
Re-Implementing ERM
Repurposing Millennium Data
Workshop on Resource Sharing in the Digital Age
YBP Gobi and Coutts Integration at WMS
OCLC Links
OCLC Local Holdings Format
HodgeNet Home Page
Thomas Hodge
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